Membership is written to the specification laid out in Article-II of our constitution.
Section 1: All Cambodian students, who had or have been studying, or plan to study in the US regardless of their socioeconomic status or presence in the US, are eligible to become a member of CSAUSA.
Section 2: All members of the CSAUSA are eligible to vote and nominate individuals, including themselves, as officers, subject to any specific requirement(s) for the office position.
Section 3: Application is required to become a full member of the CSAUSA. The application will be pending if there is/are missing information(s).
Section 4: Membership shall be revoked if a member violates the rules and regulations of CSAUSA or the law of the Royal Government of Cambodia and the United States . No members shall be removed permanently from the CSAUSA without a defense.
Fill out the membership form below to be part of our community: